How Runners Can Stay Fit When Injured?

How Runners Can Stay Fit When Injured?

If you are a dedicated runner, the chances are that you keep on facing several injuries during hardcore practice sessions. Few of these injuries can be easily treated with rest, but the major ones need trustworthy remedies. There is no doubt to say that no athlete wants to lose career opportunities due to injuries. When you love running, it is important to find some reliable solutions to support your muscle health.

One of the highly recommended solution to improve fitness for the runners is endurance oriented cross training. Some experts also recommend strength training for the injury-free running experience. Below we have highlighted some of the most trusted methods to stay fit when injured so that you can boost your running experience:


  • Pool Running


In case if you are injured and your body doesn’t allow performing any stressful weight-bearing exercise, it is better to start aqua jogging. Out of all cross-training methods, pool running is considered as the most effective solution for runners. It is capable enough to support your biomechanics and movements as well. You can start with small sessions and then push to pool running for around 2 hours to avail more benefits.


  • Cycling


Here is another popular type of cross training exercise that is specifically suitable to the runners. This non-weight bearing exercise can help injured runners to get back their strength in a pain-free manner. Same as pool running, it helps to replicate the hardcore workouts like intervals and tempos. Fitness experts reveal that cycling can strengthen glutes, outer hips, and glutes as well.


  • Elliptical


This exercise is also useful for runners; it closely mimics the running movement while ensuring low-impact training for your joints. While performing this exercise, it is important to use enough resistance to achieve the best results. You can find a good quality elliptical training machine at fitness centers or buy a home-based solution to meet your needs.


  • Strength Training


Strength training is defined in a broader perspective and includes everything ranging from bodyweight exercises to core workout. Whether you are in some injured condition or not, runners need to incorporate strength training as an essential part of their routine workout. It can help them to become more resilient and stronger. Note that, glutes and hips are considered as the most essential but weak areas for the runners; these parts can often suffer injuries. In such situations, strength training is the best solution to improve your performance.


  • Physiotherapy


How can we forget to talk about physiotherapy? It is the most trusted method to treat injuries caused by intensive running. At the same time, the exercises involved in physiotherapy can help to improve overall muscle strength, physical health and mental balance of the person. Professionals at Evoker can help you better to achieve your running goals by treating potential injuries with physiotherapy.


  • Yoga


Yoga is the best compliment for endurance training, and it can help you to get back your lost mobility with ease. Yoga works like a secret of success for running enthusiasts. You can get started with slower pace movements and then move ahead to intensive sessions.

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