Interview with Mental Health Specialist “Dr. Nadia Correia”

Interview with Mental Health Specialist “Dr. Nadia Correia”

We are sharing our recent interview with Dr. Nadia Correia, Multi Award winning – Author & Mental Health Specialist.

First of all, please introduce yourself to our readers.

With a decade of experience in mental health settings both in the United Kingdom and abroad. My journey into mental health began with a focus on clinical psychology, mental health, forensics, and psychiatry. In addition to my expertise in these areas, I also hold a degree in law, which gives me a unique perspective when it comes to understanding the legal aspects of mental health. This interdisciplinary knowledge allows me to approach my work from multiple angles and provide comprehensive care to all patients under my care.

One of my strengths lies in my ability to lead and support my team effectively. By drawing on my years of experience, I empower staff to deliver the best possible care and support to their patients. I am a firm believer in utilizing resources such as Recovery Action Plans, integrative approach and social prescribing to guide the treatment process. I also promote an integrative mental health approach that takes into account the physical, psychological, and social aspects of a person’s well-being. By incorporating health-promoting lifestyle changes into my practice, I strive to improve the overall quality of life for my patients.

Who or what inspired you to get into writing?

I would say that my biggest inspiration was the people I’ve met throughout my career, families, patients, professionals, support workers and individuals diagnosed with complex mental health. I wanted to share my knowledge with others and also change the way people see mental health, inspire others and make them feel understood.

Can you share a bit about your journey in becoming a mental health specialist and what inspired you to focus on complex mental health issues?

My journey wasn’t very easy to be honest.
As a professional moving to work in the UK, I can state that I have faced several challenges. Some of the challenges include cultural differences, language barriers, and adjusting to the new work environments and some other unexpected challenges that I prefer not to share.

My profession is very rewarding as I can help individuals who were once institutionalized indefinitely by supporting them in the community so that they can live at their own homes (even partially), work, and have relationships with people. As a Mental Health specialist, I have the unique opportunity to improve the mental health of my patients Ana service users and improve their quality of life.

“Complex Mental Health: The Benefits Of Social Prescribing” sounds intriguing. Could you give us a sneak peek into what readers can expect to learn from your book?

Mental health is like a journey with many winding roads. Like any voyage, its terrain can be difficult to navigate, and it’s full of unexpected turns, bumps along the way, and moments of clarity.

Despite the abundance of research and resources devoted to mental health, it is often still ignored or even stigmatized. This is especially true in more traditional or conservative communities and societies where mental health issues are not openly discussed. Unfortunately, these attitudes can lead to a lack of understanding and perpetuation of stigma surrounding mental illness. This can cause individuals to suffer in silence, believing that it is not acceptable to talk about their struggles.

My book seeks to change this outlook by giving readers a comprehensive overview of the complexities of mental health and why discussing it openly is essential for making progress. Through the lens of social prescribing, readers will learn how evidence-based strategies are being used to better support patients’ mental health needs. Not only will readers gain knowledge and understanding, but they will also be provided with a compassionate roadmap for their journey ahead.

It is time to break the stigma surrounding mental health and start talking about it openly. This book is here to provide insight and support for those on the journey of mental health. By understanding how social prescribing works, readers will gain insight into how this powerful tool can help those living with chronic mental illness and will be empowered with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their own mental health care. Join us as we traverse the winding roads of mental health and find our way towards better wellness together.

As a multi-award-winning mental health specialist, what do you consider your most significant contributions to the field, and how have they impacted individuals and communities?

Well, I do believe that I promote a holistic approach that enable people with mental disorders to maintain family relationships, friendship and jobs while receiving treatment, which facilitates early treatment and rehabilitation. With severe shortages of mental health professionals in the country, integration of mental health into existing primary and community health services is the most feasible way of increasing access to services for people with mental health problems.

Some of my projects and campaign are around destigmatizing mental health care, we can encourage more people to seek help when they need it, reducing the burden on individuals and society. Another key factor in the destigmatization of mental health care is the increasing openness of people about their own mental health struggles.

One of my goals is to create awareness around mental health issues. Creating awareness about mental health conditions is, perhaps, the most powerful weapon we can wield to alleviate the shame and denial those suffering from these issues may feel. While we can adopt many approaches to raise awareness, what’s most important is that we try.

I have been involved in discussion groups that talk openly about mental health issues where we shed light on the signs and symptoms and also adopting a holistic approach to help my patients and obviously promote social prescribing and use of various available resources in the community.

Your expertise covers a wide range of areas within mental health. What challenges do you see emerging in the field, and how do you envision addressing them?

Stigma, discrimination and prejudice against mental illness and those with mental disorder remain a major challenge in our nation, , although the fact that more celebrities, sports stars and film stars now talk in public about their experience of mental illness and mental distress may lead to a reduction in stigma.

I have been involved in several campaigns related to mental health and breaking of the stigma. I’m a member of various associations that fight for human rights and mental health such as International Amnesty.

Its’s extremely important that we educate individuals about their diagnosed illnesses and support them to comprehend how their diagnosis and symptoms can affect their day to day living.

It’s important that we talk about Mental Health Issues Openly.
Educate ourselves and Others on the Warning Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illnesses. …
Practice Kindness and Compassion. …
Take and Share a Free Mental Health Screening. …
Participate or Volunteer in Awareness Events.
Have a holistic approach towards your patient and their families.

Writing a book alongside a successful career is no small feat. How did you balance your professional commitments and the creative process of writing “Complex Mental Health”?

There is a saying “ if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” and this is the case. It took me 2 years to finish my book and I must say that time management is also a very important tool.

How many Awards or Nominations did you achieve in your career?

Well, I have been nominated few times and won some awards,

Nominated for ND_Research Cathegory Award
June 2023
Nominated and Finalist for the ND- Research Category Award
Celebrating Neurodiversity Awards

Outstanding Women in Care Award
June 2023

Most Inspirational Person of the Year
June 2023
Multicultural Business & Community Champion Awards 2023
Nominated for “Most Inspirational Person of the Year” Award by MBCC Awards

Outstanding Female Doctor of the Year
June 2023
Nominated for the
“EveryWoman TV Global Awards 2023” in the category of “Outstanding Female Doctor of the Year”

Outstanding Women in Care Services
June 2023
Nominated for the Outstanding Women in Care services Award in THE Women’s Awards 2023.

Mental Health Specialist Award Nomination
June 2023
Nominated for the Health and Social Care Awards
Category- Mental Health Specialist Award

European Diversity Awards 2023
April 2023
Nominated for the Award “Inspirational Role Model”

Globant Awards 2023
April 2023
Nominated for the “Women that build awards 2023”

FL leadership awards summit
February 2023
Nominated for the Award “Forward Ladies award”

Womens Achieving Greatness in Care Award
December 2022
Finalist for the Women’s achieving greatness in care award

Great British Care Awards
November 2022
Nominated for the “Home Care manager Award”

Great British Care Awards
November 2022
Nominated for the “Putting people’s first Award”

Great British Care Awards 2022
November 2022
Four Nominations for the Great British Care Awards 2022 (Finalist)

Outstanding contribution in Care

Great British Care Awards
November 2022
Nominated for the “Registered Manager Award”

Life Opportunities Trust Quality Improvement Award
October 2020
In October 2020 I was Awarded the Life Opportunities Trust Quality Improvement Award in appreciation of major quality improvements done at the Services.

Great British Care Awards Winner
September 2020
In September 2020 I was nominated for the Great British Care Awards under the category of Putting People’s First.

Great British Care Awards Highly Commended
September 2020
In September 2020 I was nominated for the Great British Care Awards under the category of Outstanding Contribution for Care.

Lastly, as someone who has achieved so much in your career, what advice do you have for aspiring mental health professionals and authors looking to make a meaningful impact in the field?

The rewarding aspects of working in mental health is the satisfaction of helping patients and service users to achieve a higher quality of life. Within this sector and especially mental health, there are not always tangible outcomes like there are in other specialties, but the intangible outcomes are beautiful.
In addition to this, mental health specialists have a lot of variety in their schedule every day and have several opportunities for growth and development. They also have a high level of financial stability.

Any thing else you would like to share with our readers?

I have new exciting projects arising very soon however I can’t share any more details. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my fans, family and friends for all the support.

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