Powerful Promotions: 5 Ways to Draw Attention to a New Website

Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

Have you just built a stunning new website with a creative design studio? This is an important step, but unfortunately, you can’t expect people to visit just because you have a banging website. Unless you take action, your marvelous creation is likely to simply sit there, without having much impact at all. 

Thankfully, there are ways to draw attention to your site so all that hard work and creativity doesn’t go to waste. Get started with the following five methods: 

  1. Create Useful Content

Some businesses make the mistake of creating online content that only promotes their products and website. While it’s important to promote your brand, a lack of content diversity can put off customers because it feels like you just see them as cash cows. 

To avoid this issue, create useful content that you know your audience will find helpful. Think how-to guides, industry-specific information, behind-the-scenes videos, and generally entertaining content. Give them more of a reason to visit your site than shopping alone. 

  1. Make Your Website Accessible

Word of mouth is a great way to spread the news about your website, but people won’t want to shout about it if it isn’t accessible. Obviously, a beautiful site with great colors, design, and format is important, but you should also make it mobile-friendly, include alt text for images, and keep contrast sensitivity in mind. 

It’s a case of having more people visit your website because they can. We’re not talking small numbers, either. Around 15% of the world’s population has some kind of disability. So, don’t exclude them by failing to factor in accessibility.  

  1. Excellent SEO

Around 68% of all online activities start with a search engine, and Google holds nearly 90% of the entire market. This is why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts are generally aimed at making Google happy. If your website is not built with SEO in mind, it won’t be as effective as it should be. 

SEO has to be considered with everything you do online, from social media posts to blogs, website content, and more. Enlist the experts or become SEO savvy yourself to get your new website noticed on search engines (and keep up with the latest SEO algorithm changes while you’re at it). 

  1. Social Media Presence/ Engagement

Approximately 77% of marketers say that social media marketing has been useful for their company in some shape or form. Social media allows businesses to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. This can be with updates, information about new changes (such as the new website), and that all-important customer engagement. 

Building a following on social media is essential because you’re connected to your global audience, and if you build a following, you have a ready-made crowd to tell about your new website and other offerings. 

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a common way for businesses to make an impression on customers that may otherwise be difficult to reach. It is also helpful if you don’t have much of a social media following but want instant access to thousands of followers. 

This form of marketing is particularly helpful for website exposure if you have a product or offer to promote. For example, if your website is selling a service, you could pay an influencer to promote a 10% discount code followers can use when they visit your website. You can also send that influencer free products in exchange for a mention on their channel. 

With the right strategies, your website can get plenty of exposure, helping to build your visitor numbers and increase sales.

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