We are sharing our recent interview with multi-talented Erika Furuzono.
Pro Media Mag : First of all tell us about the start of your professional career?
Erika Furuzono : I started out in the entertainment business as an actress and later fell into producing. An industry friend of mine suggested that I create a short film and I did it so quite easily, and then I got hooked. Subsequently I started to work as an assistant in a studio and after that created my first feature film. My film company Angel Dust productions actually started out as a regular film company but now, due to my personal spiritual development journey, we have incorporated a spiritual element to it and become an edu-entertainment company.
Pro Media Mag : Who or what inspired you to launch Angeldust Productions Inc?
Erika Furuzono : No single person or event led me there. Getting into the entertainment business and making people happy was a childhood dream. I just followed my heart and it took me there.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your recent projects ?
Erika Furuzono : I have just finished a Asian-American romcom script of a trilogy called “It Girl”, which I enjoyed a lot. I also just launched an Awake TV Expanding Consciousness Podcast where I host great spiritual leaders as guests and we have already aired three episodes.
Pro Media Mag : So how did you come into spirituality?
Erika Furuzono : I was always interested in the Laws of Attraction . A good friend of mine suggested that I take Dr. Joe Vitalle’s “Awakening course” which was a manifestation/meditation program. I originally undertook it to help create more film success but instead I received a spiritual awakening. After that I started to study a bunch of energy modalities such as Matrix Energetics and this created a huge transformation within myself and people around me.
Pro Media Mag : What kind of effect it has made on your personal and professional life ?
Erika Furuzono : It has had a huge impact on both my personal and professional life. Instead of focusing just my own interests, I have shifted my focus to create something to help make people feel truly happy and expand their consciousness. So now, even when I write a movie script, I end up creating something inspirational even though it’s not intended to be a “spiritual” movie. Personally I have grown as a soulful being and I know exactly who I am. I am deeply heart centered now. That’s a huge change from having been “mind oriented” in the past.
Pro Media Mag : You are also launching Twin Flame Goddess Transformation Course. Can you tell us more about that?
Erika Furuzono : Yes. This course aims to help people who are on their twin flame journey to reunite with their divine masculine. The Twin Flame Goddess Collective and I will help people to let go and transform themselves to become a true divine feminine being. The course will be offered in March as a 5 part tele-seminar. It will be co-creative experience with active participation, not just a passively listening and learning experience. It will be fun. More details will be published on my website.
Pro Media Mag : Have you set any goals to achieve?
Erika Furuzono : Our goals are to help people to expand and raise their individual consciousness via entertainment, energy work and educational courses. I feel you can grow as your soul while also having fun experience.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your other services ?
Erika Furuzono : I also offer transformation energy sessions. These are one on one sessions which vary from BQH, heart centered techniques to tap into alpha and beta brain waves and connect with the subconscious mind. Alternatively, I offer self-induced change sessions to connect clients with their subconscious mind or higher self to get answers and help in resolving their challenges. Galactic regression sessions are also provided to guide client to connect with their galactic history and heritage and I also offer a Twin Flame Session to assist people on their twin flame journey. In addition, I offer personal coaching sessions on these topics. People can find me at www.angeldustproductions.com to find out more info.