Mindfulness and CBT for younger generations? Why it matters

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, helps those who use it to stop unhelpful thinking processes. It interrupts the train of thought by rationalizing the initial, problematic thought. This psychological standpoint has been found to be very useful for those with anxiety, depression and other psychiatric conditions. Linked to this technique is the practice of mindfulness, which aims to be more aware and present in the moment. By using either or both of these techniques in young age, it sets a healthy precedent for the future.



You might be surprised to know that meditation has been used to help children who are struggling with ADHD. It’s no surprise that this technique has found its uses, as being present encourages the mind to take one task at a time. While it’s certainly not a cure-all, it does teach children the important practice of managing tasks in chunks. By training the brain to eliminate the surrounding white noise, it becomes far easier to focus and take a measured approach to learning.



CBT and mindfulness are renowned as methods used in therapy, and they have been found to be useful in much more serious circumstances. CBT is used at specialized therapy centers – Ignite Teen Treatment, for example – to help with behavior management. We all remember how less conscious we were as young people when it came to our thought processes. While this can have benefits, such as youthful obviousness and naivety, it can also make psychiatric problems and anger issues all the more frightening to the individual.


While children are, on the surface, much more carefree, that doesn’t mean that they are exempt from experiencing painful ranges of emotion. Outbursts of anger and aggression can be very troubling for parents who have never experienced dramatic emotions from their child. CBT can be incredibly useful for tackling these and getting to the bottom of what is causing them. It has been found that early intervention is particularly useful when it comes to treating children and adolescents for psychiatric problems. If by sending your child for CBT therapy, you uncover a more serious problem, then you can be happy in the knowledge that you are already following the right course of action. Their condition will be treated faster and more effectively than had you avoided sending them to a practitioner.


The little things

CBT isn’t just about treating serious, psychiatric conditions. For example, if your child is frequently too awkward to strike up conversations with strangers or new friends, then CBT could help them to break that unhelpful thought process. Unhelpful thought patterns can affect day-to-day life on a small scale, and interrupting them could be invaluable for a teenager who is struggling with social interaction.


It’s important not to see CBT as a mature or adult therapy. This method of improving people’s cognitive processes can be used in both adults and children; in fact, it’s incredibly useful for treating mental health problems in particularly young patients.

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