We are sharing our recent interview with writer and publishing house owner Melisa Ruscsak.

Pro Media Mag : First of all please introduce yourself to our readers?
Melisa Ruscsak : Back in my 20’s, I had everything figured out. I had a career path and the schooling to proceed with my future. But life has a funny way of changing even the best-made plan. So, at 28 after a medical emergency, I was left with the choice to do nothing and live off the system or learn what I could and still achieve on my own. I have never been a quitter. True, I may back off and re-think, but I will not give up. Holding on to this core value, I discovered my passion for writing and the excitement of seeing my words come to life. I’m right there at the tip where things are starting to get exciting.
Pro Media Mag : Who or what inspired you to get into writing?
Melisa Ruscsak : I have always been a writer. Most of what I wrote before 2016 will never see the light of day. But after 2016 I was issued a challenge to write something and get it published. 17 books later I am thrilled to continue on this path.
Pro Media Mag : From medical issues to a divorce you gone through hard times, how did you cope with such situations?
Melisa Ruscsak : it wasn’t a matter of coping it was a matter of deciding that I choose my destiny. With the medical issues I could choose to listen to the doctors and be a vegetable, or I could force my body to heal. In a way I did the same thing with my divorce. I chose to move on and be happy. The events of the past lead me to where I am today but they do not define what I do today.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your writing style ?
Melisa Ruscsak : Style? LOL. I just write. The character tell the story I am just the tool in which they speak.
Pro Media Mag : You recently published/ wrote any book?
Melisa Ruscsak : My last story came out in 2019. However, I did just get the final drafts back for two new novels so those will be out shortly.
Pro Media Mag : You are also running a publishing house. Our readers would like to know more about that?
Melisa Ruscsak : I work in the publishing industry. I just teamed up with another publishing house to bring the best of both worlds. As they are overseas and publishing packages work well there, we have the network to do that. However, here in the U.S, we lean to traditional publishing or digital. In this, Trient has you covered. Open now is our traditional publishing house with our own print shop opening soon. And here shortly, we will be able to offer Print on demand and other resources to those who like to self publish.
Pro Media Mag : What was the inspiration behind opening your own press?
Melisa Ruscsak : Working with Trient Press, my goal is simple, help the company succeed. I would love to see more Indie authors come over to traditional publishing and see more authors get the support that they need. I wish it were universal knowledge in the author world that editing your work is more important than promoting your finished work. If we can help indie authors who self-publish realize this, I feel like we’ve really accomplished something. I want to help others understand why editing is so important and why seeking out services when you do decide to self -publish is just as important as promoting your works.
Pro Media Mag : Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Melisa Ruscsak : I’m always open to connect with both readers and authors alike. If you would like to connect with me directly, come on one of my radio shows or podcast. You can also connect with me on Instagram or on Facebook. However, if you would like to talk publishing please go to www.trientpress.com and one of the friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you on your publishing journey.