Why would anyone want to be in the movie business? All the hard work, the long, crazy hours, The creating something from nothing, the magic of seeing all your hard work up there on the silver screen, the applause, the sense of accomplishment and success once the film is complete….Oh, I get it now, It’s actually all of those things plus many, many more that draws people from all over the world to Hollywood. We asked Raghu Gudiveti, the film editor from India, why he came here to pursue a career in the movie industry. It was very simple for him to answer. He told us that when he was in college in India studying Electronics that he made videos for the university part time. He enjoyed watching the story come together piece by piece when they were being edited that he realized that his real joy in life along with his life career would be filmmaking. So, he came to Los Angeles, immersed himself in film studies at the New York Film Academy and began editing films, commercials and TV projects.
We wondered if it really that simple and Raghu told us that basically, one can achieve just about anything one puts his or her mind to. It’s about having a vision or a dream and not letting go of it and not letting anything get in the way of achieving it. He also added that hard work is definitely necessary but it is important to work smart also. It is imperative, he suggested, to never stop learning and to always keep up with the most current ways of editing and to be aware of all the different styles that editors use to tell a story.
Raghu has worked on numerous assignments and has won many awards in the short time that he has been in Los Angeles. The first film that he directed and edited won the top prize at the Los Angeles Cinema awards in 2018. Other projects that he has edited have garnered countless awards including Emmys. Raghu is an editor who is serious about his work and he is a person who is constantly open to learning and improving his craft and his art of of film editing.