Whether we like it or not, winter will soon be here, and we’ll have to be in constant pursuit of warmth when leaving our well heated home.
Having warm boots , jackets, socks, wool hats, scarves, long johns is a priority when it comes to winter clothing and people rarely spare their money when it comes to this items to keep them warm. But one thing always gets somewhat overlooked, gloves. Which is a shame actually, because your hands are, along with your head, most exposed part of your body during those harsh winter days. People usually buy gloves in nonchalant fashion, and become grumpy when they realize that those gloves don’t do their job.
Well, to truly keep your hands warm, you should look into leather gloves! We found perfect ones here. Their leather exterior and velour interior will make sure that you never have that frosty feeling around your fingers but have a “sitting in front of a cozy fireplace” feeling instead . And also, black pair has touch screen friendly fingers, so you don’t have to take them off!