My friend has arranged a fun get together at her house next week. And it was decided that everyone would be dressed in some funky clothing. Being a fun loving person myself I was searching for something really funky as well as cute to wear at the party. My good luck that I came across this site named funky supply. So before ordering I am sharing what I found on this online store with you.
Funky Supply got some really nice funky clothing range. Most of their clothing got cute and funky character printed on them. That’s why I stopped on this site as I got here what I was looking for. They got some cool funky leggings, skirts, tee’s, sweater and many more things to chose from (No need to mention everything funky there). Prices are reasonable you can get a funky legging in as low as $11.90 and skirt in $15.90. And the best part is Free shipping on orders over $30!
I am ordering a “Strawberry Leggings” and a “Banana Print Sweatshirt” for the party. Their are more funky clothing on funky supply you can chose from. Go get yours