In U.S. if there is anything every individual carries with him/her is their Credit Card. And Credit Card are a very important thing that needs to be taken care and kept securely. We normally put our Credit Cards in our purse, wallets or handbags but what if you aren’t carrying anything else and just have to take your Cards handbag with you and keep them secure? Means just for the sake of Credit Card you need to carry a large hand bag or purse. Prim & Proper has taken out a solution for that. They have created Credit Card holders those are unique in style with fashionable look. Perfect for those individuals who refuse to carry anything basic.
The best thing about these Credit Card holders is they are not only unique in design but also solid in made. These Credit Card holders are made of superior quality leather and rare shell veneers. RFID blocking stainless steel has been used in its material. And they are available in different colors and stuff. So now you can take nothing but your Credit Card holder with you.
Prim & Proper Credit Card holders securely and fashionably holds credit/debit cards and/or business cards. And it will not only keep you Credit Card secure but also its unique and fashionable style will make this simple thing attractive for yourself as well as for others. As they are very sleek and easy to carry unlike bulky and outdated wallets. And they are not machine made. Each piece is handcrafted.
And one last thing that made me review these Credit Card holders and recommend to my readers is the lines I have found on the About Us page of their site.
“Owner and sole designer, June Kang, always had a passion for quality fabrics, classic designs and rich colors. Her dream was to be surrounded by the latest designs, while helping people find their own style. In addition to this creative vision, June wanted to make a more meaningful mark in the world by becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (C.A.S.A.) to help speak on behalf of children in the foster system. For every sale, Prim&Proper will donate a portion of the proceeds to support the national C.A.S.A organization”
Whenever someone start some venture on purpose I am here to support them on my blog. You can checkout these beautiful Credit Card holders on Prim&Proper website.