Cocaine is Back in a Big Way!

Cocaine is Back in a Big Way!

Some blame Trump, some blame The Weekend, but no matter what Cocaine is coming back in a big full film Brimstone online

Cocaine the party drug of the Go Go Regan Era 80s and the hit song by the weekend is back and everyone is loving it.

Many celebrities have allegedly been know to do cocaine often. Late night funny man Jimmy Fallon allegedly is known to get blackout drunk and do cocaine at New York Cities hottest clubs. It’s becoming the hot thing to do amongst the NYC elite.

The internet blew up recently when one reddit user discovered an actual review site for Cocaine Paraphernalia called none other than The site has disclaimers everywhere explaining how this is not for drug use, right below a photo of man doing a line of coke off a mirror.

Sites like this are proof that cocaine has made it back into mainstream culture and has infiltrated the internet. Parents are shocked and appalled by the recent epidemic and have been dealing with the consequences.

Americans need to stop using cocaine before it becomes an even bigger trend sweeping the nation. More programs like the DARE Program need to be funded to eliminate drug use before it’s too late.

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