Best Fitting Skinny Jeans Designed by M. Noriega

Best Fitting Skinny Jeans Designed by M. Noriega

I was searching for skinny jeans online and came across this new brand “Up Above”. I was really impressed by the designer’s effort in making these jeans looks like a perfect piece of art. I always love the jeans those are curvy, skinny and made by pure denim. Up Above Jeans got qualities far better than my expectations. After some more research about this new brand, I came to know that these jeans are being designed by M. Noriega.

up above jeans

M. Noriega a designer from Los Angeles has put her all efforts to create something perfect, attractive, best fitting, flattering as well as well fabricated. It seems she understands the influence fashion has on culture, the liberation it can give an individual, and the statements that can be made with clothing. Her designed Jeans says it all about her talent and knowledge about fashion designing. Literally speaking I have become fan of her designing skills.

M. Noriega up above jeans

You can have a glance on her brand of jeans and surely will end up buying one for yourself. You can buy one from

Up above jeans website




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