The Confession of John Wilkes Booth is a brilliant cinematic presentation of a staged theatrical event which started streaming online last week at Plex and other streaming services.
This stage to film stars seasoned actor, John Ramaine as John Wilkes Booth, Josh Koehn portrays John Frederick May, the doctor who was called in to identify the supposed dead body of John Wilkes Booth. The beautiful and talented Chelsea LeSage had the challenging role of Lucy Hale, John Wilkes Booth’s lover.
This fascinating story takes places thirty-eight years after Booth’s alleged death. On the last day of his life, Booth weaves a fascinating account of a government conspiracy to cover up the truth on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The story of Lincoln’s assassination is an absorbing subject matter that people just don’t get tired of hearing about. This particular narrative has never been fully examined and we thoroughly go into the possibly that the urban legend of Booth’s survival is true.
Review from ~The real original Blade trilogy Creator and Producer, Ken Willis
“The greatest dramatic acting at its best! Actor, John Ramaine transformed himself into the real live Legendary Actor, John Wilkes Booth himself. A must-see movie.”
The film begins with John Wilkes Booth as a young man in the prime of his life and progresses into an old broken-down man ready to commit suicide. The other characters are apparitions in Booth’s mind; which include the many loves of his life, family members and political figures.

The Confession of John Wilkes Booth provides a twist that history refuses to acknowledge. It raises importance to particular events that may prove controversial. As in any retelling of history, art leads the way.
” I had the opportunity to watch the new stage to film production, The Confession of John Wilkes Booth. Starring John Ramaine, portraying Booth from a younger man to his death is riveting. The premise of a government conspiracy to cover up the truth around the assassination of Abraham Lincoln leaves the viewers questioning history. The acting is superb and the costumes are on mark to that period in history.”
Victoria S. Philadelphia PA.
“Just finished watching John. Wow! Such a terrific stage to screen adaptation! Well-developed characters and believable acting and dialogue offering a closer look into the human psychology behind a killer who seeks his mother’s approval.”
Marci Fine, Actress-TANGO SHALOM
“Sensational, real”
Camille Keaton, star of the cult classic, I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, aka Day of the Woman.
Wow! I watched this film with my family, as we are all American History buffs. The acting is comparable to Hollywood’s top historical films. Chelsea LeSage is stunning and talented, and John Ramaine will take your breath away as John Wilkes Booth. This film will keep you glued to the screen.
Katie G. Princeton, NJ
If you love historical films, or enjoy a dramatic stage to film production profiling the killer of a President, this is a must-see movie. Drama at its best!
Stream this captivating film at: https://watch.plex.tv/movie/the-confession-of-john-wilkes-booth.