Cordelia Rose Darcy is a British natural health and beauty writer with a mission to educate more people on the benefits of using natural products on the skin and in your life in general. In this first book of a series Cordelia explores the secrets of our Asian sisters. Asia is the worlds number one when it comes to natural skincare with numerous products and treatments that the ladies in the west are only becoming aware of. The book uncovers what the Ladies of the Orient are using straight from the kitchen to enhance their beautiful complexions, products found in your own larder! Within the book find ideas on weight loss with gorgeous recipes we will all want to try with benefit to the skin, health and waistline!
If you want fresh advice on how to achieve that beautiful complexion so many of the ladies of Asia have, this book is perfect for you. If you happen to be visiting any of the beautiful countries or dining with Asian friends Cordelia touches on mannerisms which should come in very useful. A fab little read jam packed with tips you will treasure forever.