We are sharing here our recent conversation with Troy D. Renkemeyer, a professional tax consultant on the go. He is a successful legal and tax consultant for businesses.
Pro Media Mag : First of all do please introduce yourself to our readers?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : I’m Troy D. Renkemeyer, and I’m a tax and legal consultant for businesses in the greater Kansas City area. I’m also the person behind “Lawyers Give Back”, which urges the legal community to consider a charitable giving agenda.
Pro Media Mag : Who or what inspired you to start your business consultancy?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : Well, after spending about 3 years at Arthur Anderson and another 9 at a small law firm, I saw the need for helping mid sized businesses with a real tax strategy. It wasn’t any one person. It was the overall collective.
Pro Media Mag : What kind of clients do you consult for?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : Mostly businesses with $1 million or more in revenue. That includes small and mid sized companies, across all industries. There are some larger, some smaller. But overall, that’s the goal. Give those type of businesses a shot at a smarter tax strategy.
Pro Media Mag : What kind of tax issues do you normally deal with?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : A lot of issues with the IRS. We deal with IRS issues quite a bit. But also business formation and dissolution issues. Partner buyouts. Using investments in land or REITS as a tax strategy. Deferred tax settlements. All of the above.
Pro Media Mag : What’s the key to your success?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : I’d say great people. I surround myself with great people and that goes for both employees and clients. It’s what keeps me going in the mornings!
Pro Media Mag : What have you learned most about being in this profession?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : I learned that nobody but Troy D. Renkemeyer is going to make it happen for Troy D. Renkemeyer. You have to get out there and get busy, and network. My clients are awesome about sending me referrrals, but I get up early and go to bed late to stay on top of the industry, and to make sure my clients get real value from the relationship.
Pro Media Mag : You also take part in charity and social work activities. What led to that?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : I’m blessed. Many people are. And I wanted to make sure that we all remember that and do our part to help those less fortunate. Doing good leads to good in your life. That’s what I always say
Pro Media Mag : What’s the best way to contact you?
Troy D. Renkemeyer : You can visit http://troydrenkemeyer.info/ for more information and to get more contact information.