Linda Washington talks about her personal & professional life

Linda Washington talks about her personal & professional life

We are sharing our recent interview with Linda Washington, the recording artist of ( Take me I’m yours) and the published author of (Forbidden and broken finding love behind the scars).

Pro Media Mag : You have gone through a tough phase of your life, what was the most difficult thing you faced during this phase?
Linda Washington : The most difficult challenged I faced is trying to believe in myself again. Because being told you was worthless and not a real woman after breast cancer took my spirit from me I felt worthless and num and I started to believe what I was being told.

Pro Media Mag : Who or what inspired you to get into music industry?
Linda Washington : No one inspired me I inspired myself and wrote what I was feeling about being physically and mentally and verbally abused because I am a breast cancer survivor. And I wrote my song to help other survivors going or have been through what I have been through.

Pro Media Mag : Our readers would like to know about your track “Take me I’m yours”?
Linda Washington : My song (take me I’m yours) is about believing and finding love again after breast cancer or whatever you may be going through, That everyone wants to find that one person that sees them for who they are not there scars or cancer but them. Everyone deserves to be loved.

Pro Media Mag : What kind of response you have received from it?
Linda Washington : I have been getting a pretty good response on my soundcloud with more the 197 thousand plays. But there’s always room for more.

Pro Media Mag : What’s the best part of being an artist?
Linda Washington : The best part of being an artist for me is knowing that my song has touched one person and that they could relate. And want to find and believe in love. Then I know I am doing something right.

Pro Media Mag : Have you set some goals to achieve?
Linda Washington : My goals is to know that I reached and helped people out there and that they are not giving up on love. Because of whatever they may be going through.

Pro Media Mag : You are also an author, tell us about your recent work?
Linda Washington : I am the author of (Forbidden and broken finding love behind the scars) My book is about my journey after breast cancer what I had to endure when I decided to date again And how one is treated and talked down to .it makes you ask yourself why did I fight to survive? for what to be alone for the rest of my life.It’s my journey through my hurt and pain of believing and finding real love after breast cancer. It’s about finally realizing that cancer was the disease, not me.

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