If you love genuine leather handbags then I got something of exceptional quality for you. JeHouze Women’s Genuine Leather Top Handle Crossbody Handbag are made with such delicacy and grace that you will fall in love with them. They are so neatly designed that even small features of the bags are prominent. As the name suggests the bag has both the options, you can use top handle as well as crossbody handbag. Being made of genuine leather they are durable and reliable for keeping your precious things inside.
Apart from made of genuine leather and graceful looks the handbag has so many other features to boost off.
- Made of smooth leather in perfect size suitable for all kind of uses
- Got inside zipper and have pockets for cellphone and for keeping your cards, money etc secure.
- It has a long 22″ strap so you can either drop it over your shoulder or use it for crossbody wear.
- Handles with 5 1/2″ drop will create enough room for your hands to grab it easily.
- Fabric lining and zip-top closure adds to its durability and grace.
I would say it will be a perfect choice for any working lady, student or even for housewife. So in whatever category you fall you should grab them before they get out of stock.