Are you a handbag lover and don’t have enough funds to buy multiple bags? Yes it happens most of the time particularly with handbag prices going high in recent years. Few years back one can buy matching bag with each apparel but not anymore. Wait there is still an option. Wait for sales and buy 2 bags price of one bag. You must be thinking in sales normally the prices are lowered up to 10 or 20 percent who will do as big discount as up to 50%. I recently came across a UK based online store “Franchetti Bond” they are not only offering up to 50% discount on most of their hangbags but their collection is awesome as well.
Particularly their Tote Bags is superb! If you have so much to carry with you then tote bag is a perfect choice for you. They have space, durability, easy to carry due to long handle and in case you want it to carry on your shoulder it can be worn easily. Adding to that many benefits their is sophistication and style together in Franchetti Bond’s collection of tote bags. Fabulous range of tote bags in classic neutral shades or go for a pop of colour. These are made of leather that means durability.
Their prices are already reasonable and adding 50% discount will give you an option of buying two bags in price of one or simply one bag in half the price (I would suggest you to buy two or more as collection is exceptionally cool and you wont find such bags in price lower than that). Apart from variety, quality and discount they have good customer service as well. Means you won’t regret your shopping experience on Franchetti Bond Store.