We recently interviewed Rap artist Young Mensah from Chicago in the Louisiana area. He is talented, energetic and love performing in front of fans. Check it out.
Pro Media Mag : First of all tell us about the start of your professional career?
Young Mensah : I started rapping thanks to a friend of my named Isaiah G he started me off with T.A.F and I knew rapping was something I had to do.
Pro Media Mag : Who or what inspired you to get into music industry?
Young Mensah : I get inspiration from various of places and people but Ro probably would have to get the credit of inspiring me to take rapping seriously. He put a team behind me.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your recent projects
Young Mensah : Haven’t really drop a project yet but one is definitely on the way.
Pro Media Mag : What kind of response you have received from the release?
Young Mensah : I tend to get good responses from my releases last two songs both over 20k plays was also featured on thisis50 and the pursuit of dopeness.
Pro Media Mag : What attracts you more, performing on stage or working in studios?
Young Mensah : Performing interacting with my fans carrying their energy without my fans I’m nothing.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your recent and upcoming performances?
Young Mensah : Just had a performance at Strangebrew in Louisiana it went extremely well and I have an upcoming show in Dallas it’s called Guapfest and I can’t wait to turn Dallas up!!.
Pro Media Mag : Have you set some target to achieve?
Young Mensah : Get more involved with my fans I try to stay connected and have a genuine connection.
Pro Media Mag : What’s the best part of being a Rap artist?
Young Mensah : Being able to have this platform to tell my story I think that’s what I love. That’s why I do it. I’m just like you, I have issues we all do I just use music as an avenue to express mine.