One of the fastest rising female producers in Hollywood Hanna Griffiths joins the Visual Snow Initiative in raising awareness for the Visual Snow condition.
Visual snow is a neurological disorder characterized by a continuous visual disturbance that occupies the entire visual field and is described as tiny flickering dots that resemble the noise of a detuned analogue television. It impacts an individual’s vision, hearing, and quality of life. It affects a patient’s vision 24/7. That means that there is no relief from it, even when they close their eyes. Our goal is to help those with Visual Snow live and enjoy their lives without fear. There is no known cure.
While joining the team at The Artists Project in Los Angeles, Hanna joined other celebrities to help raise awareness for the project. Hanna had this to say about The Visual Snow Initiative founder Sierra Domb –

“Sierra is a truly amazing person, she is suffering from the disorder and yet she is out there trying to find a cure to help others patients by raising awareness and funding research. She is an extraordinary hero in my opinion.”