Photo: Noah Buscher/Unsplash
Everyone you speak to nowadays seems to be going for some new beauty treatment that’s making waves and turning heads.
Before you get FOMO, are you ready to make the investment? This is a good question to ask when some of the most talked-about beauty treatments may not yield the results you want, despite costing an arm and a leg.
To help you avoid making a bad investment, we’ve narrowed down the list to bring you beauty treatments that are actually worth the splurge.
1. Teeth Whitening
The small investment you’ll put down at a teeth whitening clinic will be well worth it for the long-lasting makeover it will give your face. Flashing a dashing smile is a great confidence booster, especially if that smile is stain-free. So, perfecting your teeth helps you look and feel better in more ways than one.
The process entails applying a hydrogen peroxide gel onto the teeth. Thereafter, an LED light is used to create a pearly white sheen. The treatment can cost up to $500. However, your teeth will stay white for about five years.
2. Medical Laser Removal
If you’ve been deceived by home lasers which tend to your hair problems temporarily, we understand why you would shy away from the idea of medical laser hair removal.
However, the truth is, medical laser really works, so long as you have dark hair and a lighter skin tone. Imagine being hairless and never needing to buy wax or razors again? Sounds good, doesn’t it?
The laser is able to target the hair through its dark pigment. It then zaps that pigment, causing a reduction in hair regrowth. Although laser treatment can be a costly affair (a 10-session bikini laser treatment can cost about $300), it’s worth the investment for a lifetime of being hair-free.
The only time your hair will grow back after the laser process is if you undergo a severe hormonal change.
3. Permanent Make-up
The name of the treatment may be slightly misleading. You cannot expect the make-up to last forever. However, you will be getting a fine-line tattoo that will last long enough to save you plenty on eyeliner and brow gel.
You also won’t have to wake up and spend hours getting your make-up done. Instead, you can just go out and enjoy your day. The process is not damaging to the skin and can last for a good few years until you have to get a touch-up.
4. Cool Sculpting
We will always leave the concept of an “ideal body type” in the dark realms of media propaganda. You look your best when you feel comfortable in your skin, not when you match up with some plastic ideal. However, taking good care of your body is one of many ways you can produce this kind of self-confidence.
Cool sculpting is a treatment that has recently arrived on the scene, promising to freeze fatty body tissue. With this treatment, you can get rid of unwanted fat safely, and the effects can last for as long as you choose to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
5. Microdermabrasion
This treatment is designed to improve skin texture and tone. Microdermabrasion works on all sorts of skin issues, including sun-damaged skin, acne-scarred skin, spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. Microdermabrasion is relatively affordable compared to other treatments designed to target these issues. Yet it is also highly effective if performed regularly by a qualified esthetician.
Beauty always comes at a price, but we say feeling confident about yourself is money well spent!