Safiner is not just another brand, its different from other clothing brands as it’s an inspiration based brand. They are offering clothing inspired by the world around us. Their main products are naturally themed tees and vests. To make you more clear about them Here is
The Story Behind the Brand
We live in a time where exploration of the planet is easy, affordable, and addictive. I’ve been fortunate enough to explore what I’d consider vast corners of the Earth from a young age, through my teens and into my young adult life. Some journeys have been with family, some with friends, and others solo. Either way, each one always showed something recurring – Natural Beauty.
From trekking the Highlands in Scotland, to bathing in the Mediterranean sea, to wandering aimlessly through the jungles of Thailand, and surfing the best waves across Australia & Indonesia, all these countless hours across the landscape, I was always exposed to how beautiful our home is, yet also how precious. My appreciation grew stronger, and my desire to discover more grew with every destination.
A scorching afternoon was spent on a Thai beach, with nothing but bleached sand, the bluest sea and an incredibly striking view of islands and cliff faces smothered in trees. My eyes couldn’t be drawn away. I realise how strongly I felt about the Earth, and what could I do to act upon this appreciation. I stood up, and ‘click’, that famous lightbulb moment, ‘Design clothing that people can relate to’. This was the beginning of what became Safiner.
Safiner wants to take things back to the roots. Clothing is essentially an essence of the earth, so we aim to pay respects and appreciate that fact, and with our clothing designs, we hope others can also show these traits.
The reason behind black, white and grey theme, is a way of ensuring the eye can truly see and appreciate nature in its truest, and raw form. Colour can often distract the human eye from what is actually there. Without colour, we can focus on naturally unique contours, striking shapes, and textures that can let your imagination run wild.
Impressive ! Isn’t it ? So in mood to buy some nature inspired clothing now ? Have a look into the Safiner collection