Music Producer INADRM talks about his love and passion for music
Phoenix’s own INADRM is redefining the scope of electronic music. The twenty-eight-year old producer and musician is focusing on timeless tunes over the fodder that fills charts and promoted content today, just like the artists he looked up to.
We are sharing our recent interview with him.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about the start of your professional career.
INADRM : I started INADRM in 2013 after deciding that it would be easier to get the sound I was going after by learning how to do things myself instead of trying to get a band together. The bands I was in, or had started, all ended up going in specific directions and it felt incredibly stifling to me.
Pro Media Mag : Tell us about your recent projects?
INADRM : Recently, I’ve been working on a handful of things all at once. I’ve been working on my album, releasing songs unrelated to that album, and experimenting with new sounds and ideas. I feel most alive when I’m working on something that I love, so I try to fill as much of my time with this kind of work as possible. I’ve been releasing a song every week for the past two months so be on the lookout for new music as it will always be coming.
Pro Media Mag : What work are you most proud of? And what keeps you making music?
INADRM : I’m proud of the progress I make and knowledge I gain from each song or experiment that I finish. I’m proud of all my work. I will continue to make music because I love doing so. Everything in my life has been dedicated to improving my craft, gaining knowledge, and acquiring tools all for the sake of making a better song. I love everything about music, I can’t not make music.
Pro Media Mag : Who are your favorite artists?
INADRM : The artists who have inspired me most would have to be Boards Of Canada and My Bloody Valentine. Their demonstrations of what can be done with sound are incredible to me.