Yes that’s true ! They are having an amazing promotion going on and you can actually get it completely Free. How ? I will tell you later first of all let me tell you what’s the reason behind my excitement for getting this bag free. First of all let me tell you these bags are Satchel Cross Body Tote Handbags and their size is perfect to carry.
The bag is made of high quality PU leather material so you can rely on their durability. Actually there is some kind of cuteness in this bag that grab my attention. I was about to order the bag and luckily Get Free Bag promotion caught my attention. So why would I spent the money if I can get it free :). The bag is of perfect size to keep your cell phone, credit cards, money or such other things.
Going on a date or to cafe or for shopping you can carry your things in the bag and always feel light and comfortable.And these are available in different colors as well. Actually you have an option of selecting the design and color of you choice out of around 17 different colors and designs available.
You can easily take part in promotion to get a free bag. You just need to earn 5 points to get 100% discount on the bag price. How? Here is the process.
1-First of all visit the promotional page here GetYourFreeBag
2-Now add your details, share the promotion on Facebook (get 1 point) and bring 2 friends for sign-up (get 4 points)
3- After gathering 5 points in total, You will receives coupon code via email with 100% discount (excluding shipping fee) for a Merry Laughter bag
Isn’t it very simple? I already have mine on my way. For better understanding you can checkout this video as well.
Although the promotion is very easy and you can easily get points to get the bag on 100% discount (Completely Free) but in case you don’t have enough time and want to purchase it right now you can Buy It here. But I will suggest you to spend some time and Get it free.